
Automated mobile testing with Appium, JUnit and Maven

Publicado por
Gerardo Carrillo
Automated mobile testing with Appium, JUnit and Maven
Escrito por
Gerardo Carrillo
Publicado en
March 5, 2024
Tiempo de lectura


Due to the constant technological change and different platforms, it has become a very valuable task to include automated regression tests in IT projects. These tests help to improve the quality of the product with functional tests that simulate the actions of a user, in addition, these tests are executed automatically in each update of the system, which allows finding defects before adding these changes to the final product.

About Appium...

Appium is an open-source test automation framework that can be used with native, hybrid and mobile web applications, and controls iOS, Android and Windows applications using the WebDriver protocol.

How does it work?

Appium is a web server that exposes a REST API. It receives connections from a client, listens for commands, executes those commands on a mobile device, and responds with an HTTP response representing the result of the command execution.


Before we begin...

To enhance the understanding of this tutorial it is suggested to be familiar with:

•  Webdriver

•  XPath

•  Java

•  Junit

•  Maven

Let's get started!!!

•  Step 1

Our first step will be to set up the machine with all the dependencies, software, plugins, environment variables, etc. For this we need to install the following:

•  Java (JDK) (Link here)

•  Android Studio (Link here)

•  Appium desktop (Link here)

•  IDE IntelliJ (Link IntelliJ here)

Optional: We install Android studio in order to have sdk tools to virtualize Android devices. In addition, we will have to configure some environment variables:

•  JAVA_HOME: (folder jdk)

•  ANDROID_HOME: (folder sdk tools)

Finally, we will have to download a version of chromedriver according to the version of Google Chrome that will be installed on our virtual device.

•  Chromedriver (Download web site here)

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